Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Random Ramblings

Should We Be Afraid?

Remember the post-9/11 anthrax attacks of September and October 2001 that killed five Americans?

Well, according to investigative journalists, Bob Coen and Eric Nadler, co-authors of Dead Silence: Fear and Terror on the Anthrax Trail, the issue of an anthrax threat has not gone away, just gone unnoticed by the media and the public.

In the summer, of 2008, Bruce Ivins, a long-time civilian researcher at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRID) at Fort Detrick reportedly took an overdose of Tylenol with codeine. He died in the hospital two days later.

Eight days later, the FBI said that it had been about to arrest Ivins, the object of its seven-year investigation. Controversy ensued, with both Congress and scientists asking to see hard evidence of his guilt.

Therein, lies the basis for this book. It's a real eye-opener (and unnerving to learn how unregulated the sharing of biochemical products is among the world's scientists).

Coen and Nadler also probe the "mysterious deaths of some of the world's leading germ war scientists in the wake of 9/11."

Not a book for the fainthearted.

Hit the Ground Running

Time to cut the BS. Here are my professional goals for 2010:

  • Complete manuscript of my memoir Wind Beneath My Wings.
  • Get an agent or publisher.
  • Promote my new website for families of inmates--Inside/Out.
  • Get some (well-paying) writing gigs--both online and in print.
  • Rev up promotion efforts for various projects.
  • Work on two novels.
  • Create buzz around my blog(s).
  • Publicize myself.

Sarah Palin: Enough Already!

Sarah Palin is making millions--with her book deal--and garnering loads of media attention with no real political platform or ideology. Her M.O.? Take exception to what she views as the media's sexist characterization of her. Welcome to the club.

  • Hilary is too unemotional.
  • Michele shows too much arm.
  • Sonia (Sotomayor) isn't intellectually sharp.
  • Oprah's too fat.

The media made you, Sarah. So, don't bite the hands that are giving you lots of ink and cyberspace.

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