Friday, August 13, 2010

Worse Prez, Yet...?

Obama, the "worst president in history?"

So says Ben Quayle (Congressional candidate from Arizona), son of former VP Dan Quayle. Well, it has garnered his heretofore unknown campaign some attention.

As stated on this blog previously, President Obama ain't above criticism. But, there seems to be a movement afoot to bash anything Obama does or says.

He did not cause the nation's economic woes; they've been around more or less for many years. Just that some folks (read, middle-class) are beginning to feel the chill.

Likewise, his health care reform isn't scheduled to in kick for another year or two. Yet, Bill O'Reilly, a top FOX newscaster says it's led to increased premiums. Where's the evidence, sir?

The First Lady is not a spendthrift; her retailer of choice is J. Crew. Pricey, but not high end couture. Where are these fancy cars and clothes she's supposed to have?

Obama faces some of the most contentious and difficult problems of any president--wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, collapsing business giants, changing immigration policies, slow job growth, a disastrous oil spill, and countless international issues.

He's a novice on the world stage, but not an idiot. It seems that he considers issues carefully before making decisions.

Nor, is he a wuss vis a vis terrorists. America had pretty awful methods for getting tough with "enemy combatants" under Bush. Do we want a repeat of this?

History will judge his presidency.

Perhaps, in the future, we can better assess the good and bad of his tenure as the nation's first black president.

To Fantasia:

For a young girl from the other side of the tracks, you have accomplished much. I had the pleasure of seeing you in "The Color Purple" on Broadway and was surprised by how well you handled yourself.

You have a great gift. Hope your recent troubles are a springboard to a better future for you and your daughter.