Thursday, February 7, 2013

Post-New Year Blues

Well, here I sit, one month and seven days into a new year. Sad to say, I have broken one of my (few) resolutions. It has to do with my finances.

I keep very close tabs on my spending, so I  have a clear picture of where my money goes, and it ain't where it should be going---into a savings account.

I should have a substantial nest-egg by now after all my years of working. So, why am I so careless about spending? There's always a battle between the Me that wants to save and the Me that wants to keep money in my checking account in case I need it for something.

I am not a spendthrift my any means. I buy most of my clothes from thrift shops and take lunch to work. I don't go to hair or nail salons. I borrow DVDs, CDs, and books from the library. So, why the heck do I resist putting money (after expenses) into my savings account?

When I fritter away money on day-to-day purchases, at the end of the month, I don't feel good about myself.

This year, however, I intend to examine my behavior and find ways to save for that rainy day.

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