Monday, February 18, 2013

Fee Sprees

I have noticed a trend in American society that gives me pause: the charging of fees for things that should be free!

For example, the IRS now demands a $150 payment for setting up a payment plan. Who came up with this idea? It amounts to penalizing taxpayers who cannot afford to pay the full amount of monies due.

Likewise, some cell phone companies (e.g. MetroPCS, Cricket) charge a fee when you pay online OR when you come into the store to make a payment. What the hell?

In addition, the courts, jails, and public defenders offices are forcing those charged or convicted with a crime to pay a fee for days spent in jail, parole services, and other penalties. Is this what America has come to? Insisting that those with the least pay the most.

Another example is Cox Communications, a cable company that charges $30.00 if you  install a cable box yourself. If you do it wrong and need a technician, the cost is $60.00.

Some credit card companies, charge as much as $14.50 to make a payment by phone.

My bank charges $3.50 to transfer money from one of my accounts to another, such as from savings to checking.

Come on America, this mean-spirited mindset is making it more difficult for average consumers to conduct business.

Similarly, there is no longer an effort to serve the consumer. Rather, agencies and businesses have no compunction about charging for services that should be free.

More and more, we are held hostage to big government and corporations that are all about the almighty dollar and less about treating Americans fairly.

1 comment:

CaCOYOTE, Las Vegas said...

Wow! I guess it's time I caught up on your blog! I too am lamenting these extra charges. Today I was told that I would be charged a monthly fee for "leasing" a piece of equipment (modem) from the phone co. I thought leasing phone equipment went out in the 70's- if not sooner. This makes me think I need to give my land line as many others have. Hope you're well.